
How to find Walker Brains in No Man's Sky

As players scour the planets, moons, and space in No Man's Sky, they encounter various resources. Some are incredibly useful, even for experienced players; others only serve a few functions. But every resource has at least one purpose, at the very least.

One resource that only serves a few niche functions is a Walker Brain. It's the main loot that drops from killing Sentinel Walkers. Otherwise, they are obtainable from the Mercenaries Guild Envoy, Suspicious Packets, Mission Board, or Nexus missions.

The following is a breakdown for those wishing to obtain a few Walker Brains for their intended purpose or need to know what Walker Brains are used for in No Man's Sky.

Obtaining a Walker Brain No Man's Sky and its uses

As mentioned before, a Walker Brain is obtained from Sentinel Walkers, primarily through the act of defeating one. These are one type of Sentinel machine found on planets and moons. Typically, Sentinel machines are hostile, so it’s best to avoid them if players do not have the proper gear to deal with them.

Players usually run into the small drones. A Sentinel Walker tends to be sent in to respond to hostile attacks. For example, if a player fires at other Sentinel Machines. Sentinel Walkers will be sent in should the player reach a specific Wanted level.

First, for a Sentinel Walker to appear, find a planet with Sentinel activity. Scanning planets and moons will provide information on whether or not there are any. Afterward, it’s gearing up and landing on said planet and or moon.

Once grounded, find a Sentinel machine and start shooting. You’ll have to defeat enough Sentinels to reach a Wanted Level 5. It’s then that a Sentinel Walker will be deployed to your location, provided you haven’t avoided detection. Upon defeating the Sentinel Walker, loot its body for a Walker Brain.

Walker Brains are only used for two items:

  • Conflict Scanner
  • Explosive Drones

Conflict Scanners are attached to starships in No Man's Sky. Using one can give the player an idea of a star system’s Conflict Level while using the Galactic Map rather than uncovering that mission only after visiting it. More so a preventive tool than anything.

Explosive Drones are useful to frigates in No Man's Sky. Think of it as a temporary buff. If used on a frigate fleet, it increases its combat abilities, but only for a single expedition.

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Abbie Anker

Update: 2024-05-15