
Zombieland TV Series Gives Us A First Look At The Cast

By Rudie Obias | Updated 5 years ago

This article is more than 2 years old

Yesterday, Amazon ordered the Zombieland TV series to pilot for their online streaming service, Amazon Prime Instant Video. It’s most likely Amazon will order an entire season of the post-apocalyptic zombie series considering it’s the most high profile series project they’ve got going at the moment. Now we’ve got our first look of the cast of Zombieland.


From left to right, that’s Izabela Vidovic (Up All Night) as Little Rock, Kirk Ward (The Island) as Tallahassee, Maiara Walsh (Desperate Housewives) as Wichita, and Tyler Ross (Milkshake) as Columbus. When compared to their big-screen counterparts, the TV version appears to be goofier than expected. Maybe it’s the group pose, but there’s just something badass about the movie cast of Zombieland that the TV version lacks.


In 2009, Ruben Fleischer’s Zombieland was a surprise hit at the box office. No one really expected much from the zombie comedy, but its success helped launch the careers of Jesse Eisenberg and Emma Stone. Oddly enough, Zombieland was  originally supposed to be a TV series. Writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, imagined the exploits of Tallahassee, Columbus, Wichita, and Little Rock to be a week-to-week episodic adventure. Their TV series was quickly fast-tracked and developed as a feature film, and now it’s making the leap back to TV…well, to the web anyway.

The TV series will be more light-hearted than the movie, but it promises to be as gory and bloody. There will also be two new additions to the cast, Fred and Ainsley, who were office workers before the zombie apocalypse.

A picture is worth a thousand words, but I’m hoping the Zombieland TV series is better than the above image would suggest.


Noelle Montes

Update: 2024-05-18